Shorcut for past transpose excel mac
Shorcut for past transpose excel mac

shorcut for past transpose excel mac

This means that if your original data changes and you want the transposed data to be updated as well, then you need to use Paste Special again to transpose it. Using Paste Special alone gives you static data. Transpose Data using Paste Special and Find & Replace If you want these transposed cells to be linked to the original cells, you can combine the power of Find & Replace with Paste Special. Note that the copied data is static, and if you make any changes in the original data set, those changes would not be reflected in the transposed data. If you only want to copy the value, select ‘value’ in the paste special dialog box. The steps shown above copies the value, the formula (if any), as well as the format. Below is a demo showing the entire process. This would instantly copy and paste the data but in such a way that it has been transposed. In the paste special dialogue box, check the transpose option in the bottom right.In this example, I want to copy in G1:K5, so right-click on cell G1 and select paste special. Now you can paste the transposed data in a new location.Copy the dataset (Control + C) or right-click and select copy.Select the data set (in this case A1:E5).Now for some reason, if you need to transpose this data, here is how you can do this using paste special: This data has the regions in a column and quarters in a row. Suppose you have a dataset as shown below: Paste Special can do a lot of amazing things, and one such thing is to transpose data in Excel. Transpose Data using Excel TRANSPOSE Function.Transpose Data using Paste Special and Find & Replace.The sort sub menu this is particularly useful for a quick keyboard based ascending or descending sort.I created a separate new menu so that it didn’t distract in the GUI. I found it useful to add the following commands just for that purpose. You can customise Excel menus using View - Toolbars - Customize Toolbars and Menus.Īnything in the menu can efficiently be triggered using Cmd+ Shift+ / followed by a simple help search down and enter. So it’s good to know that F14 also de-activates scroll-lock. The result is that the cursor keys annoyingly scroll the window rather than moving the focal cell. I occasionally accidentally press F14 when intending to press Home. F14 is equivalent to scroll lock on Windows.Paste Special: Ctrl+ Cmd+ V opens the paste special dialog box then: Cmd+ A is all, Cmd+ V is values, Cmd+ T is formats, Cmd+ E is transpose.Navigate to the Go dialog box and type the name of the sheet followed by !a1 Navigate to worksheet by name: In addition to Ctrl+Page Up/Page Down there is another option.


How to remove all formatting from cells: (1) Select cells (2) Edit - Clear - Formats. Make Ctrl + left and Ctrl + Right be a synonym for Cmd + left and Cmd + Right this works if the global shortcut key for moving between spaces is turned off or changed.Admittedly this conflicts with calculate now, but Control + = also works for calculate now, and I rarely use spreadsheets that are so large that I need to delay computation. Zoom in and zoom out I just added the shortcut keys Cmd + = for zoom in and Cmd + - for zoom out.Insert cells: Ctrl + I This also works to insert columns and rows by first highlighting either columns (ctrl+space) or columns (shift+space).Delete row or column: Highlight rows or columns and Ctrl +.I needed to look up the following shortcut keys:


However, some interface elements are not listed in menus.įor general lists of Mac Excel shortcuts, see shortcutworld, and Microsoft. Learning shortcut keys in OSX applications is straight forward when the relevant key is displayed in the menu.

shorcut for past transpose excel mac

This post discusses learning and configuring shortcuts in Mac Excel.

Shorcut for past transpose excel mac